btNOG 10 Network Automation
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SSH Access

Attendee number - user mapping

Attendee ID Attendee Name Organisation
a01 Phub Dema BDBL
a02 Jeevan Gurung College of Science and Technology, RUB
a03 Pema Tashi RICBL
a04 Tshering Dorji Government Technology Agency
a05 Choki Wangmo Tashi InfoComm Limited
a06 Choki Wangchuk Tashi InfoComm Ltd
a07 Tandin wangchuk Tashi InfoComm LTD
a08 Karma Tshewang Tashi InfoComm
a09 Nar Bdr Chhetri Gedu College of business Studies
a10 Komal Sundas Bhutan Telecom
a11 Kelzang Ugyen Dorji Tashi InfoComm Limited
a12 Tashi Wangchuk Tashi InfoComm Limited
a13 Dorji Wangchuk GCIT
a14 Sangay Wangmo College of Language and Culture Studies
a15 Thukten GIC Bhutan Reinsurance Co. Ltd
a16 Lham Gembo BNBL
a17 Pema Tshering Bhutan Power Corporation
a18 Tshering Yangki Bhutan Telecom
a19 Karma Dorji Bhutan Telecom
a20 Tashi Wangchuk JNEC
a21 Dorji Penjor Bhutan Telecom
a22 Lhey Tshering Lepcha Bhutan Telecom Limited
a23 thinley wangchuk BDBL
a24 Ugyen Wangdi Tashi InfoComm Limited
a25 Damche Dorji DHI
a26 Garjaman Subba DHI
a27 Tandin Dorji DHI
a28 Hem Lal Chhetri DHI
a29 Sherub Dorji DHI
a30 Kezang Choki BNBL
a31 Wangchuk Dorji BNBL
a32 Jigme Namgyel GovTech
a33 Thinley Wangmo GovTech
a34 Dema GovTech
a35 Ngawang Namgyal GovTech
a36 Gyeltshen GovTech
a37 Sonam Dorji BtCIRT

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Note: You will have the login detail for this tool on your email ID (the ID you used during workshop registration).