btNOG 10 Network Automation
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Network Automation Workshop - Bhutan NOG (BTNOG 10)


  1. This is archived version of the wiki for the BTNOG 10 workshop which happened from 06 - 09 June 2023 in Paro, Bhutan.
  2. Wiki here is just reference material for the workshop attendees. It is not comprehensive guide on these topics.


Day 1: Docker day

Index Topic Links
1 Brief overview of lab topics & what to expect in next 4 days Slides here
2 Introduction to Docker (theory) Slides here
3 Deploying Containers (lab) Instructions here
4 Running Containers in Production (theory) Slides here
5 Running Containers in Production (lab) Instructions here

Day 2: Ansible day

Index Topic Links
1 Introduction to Ansible (theory) Slides here
2 Ansible (lab) Instructions here
3 Introduction to Git (theory) Slides here
4 Introduction to Git (lab) Instructions here

Day 3: Ansible Semaphore and Gitlab CI/CD pipeline

Index Topic Links
1 Introduction to Ansible Semaphore (theory) Slides here
2 Ansible Semaphore setup (lab) Instructions here
3 Ansible Semaphore configuration (lab) Instructions here
4 Variables in Ansible & ansible semaphore (demo)
5 Introduction to CI/CD concepts (theory) Slides here
6 Writing .gitlab-ci.yml (theory) Slides here

Day 4: Rest API day

Index Topic Links
1 Gitlab CI/CD pipeline (demo)
2 REST API introduction Slides here
3 REST API lab with Semaphore
4 Live demo & revision of concepts - LibreNMS docker container setup + configuration of routers for SNMP + Addition of devices in LibreNMS via REST API Instructions here
5 Setup & live demo - Automated traffic transfer between transits based on traffic
5 Feedback form Link here